Invited Speakers
Naukas Passion
Bertso Passion
Streamers Sessions
Naukas Passion

Naukas Passion
The pleasure of not understanding
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Enrique F. Borja has a PhD in physics. After a career in research and as a university lecturer, he has now turned his attention to dissemination. He is now trying his hand at television. His first programme as a creator was Una Matemática Viene a Verte.

Naukas Passion
When alcohol managed to save a life
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Graduated in Pharmacy with a specialisation in R&D+i and Industry. Master’s in Biotechnology, Innovation and Food Security. She has been working for 10 years in the food industry, both in the quality department, as R&D+i director, and currently as technical director. She is an associate professor on the Nutrition and Dietetics degree course at the Miguel de Cervantes European University in the subjects of Food Legislation and Food Policy. Her communication activities include:
- Blog collaborator with Atresmedia and Revista Mía
- Radio Nacional de España (food and food security segment on the ‘A media mañana’ programme).
- Collaboration on the CyL 8 TV programme ‘Vamos a ver’ and on MeteoRed
- Author of a blog at: and the book No comemos como antes, y menos mal (We don´t eat like before, and just as well).

Naukas Passion
JB55: 19th Century Vampires
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
A journalist of the Canal Sur broadcasting corporation, and associated with radio since the beginning of her professional career, Susana Escudero has a degree in English Philology and a Master's degree in Physical and Forensic Anthropology. With expertise in science dissemination, she produced “El Radioscopio” on Canal Sur Radio together with Emilio García (IAA-CSIC), for which they received around ten awards, including 3 Prismas and the Andalusia Prize for Journalism. On Canal Sur Television, and together with José Mª Montero, she produced “Más Desafío Ártico”, bringing science to prime-time television. With the firm intention of “spreading the virus”, she provides communication training for research staff. She is a regular at dissemination events such as Desgranando Ciencia, Las que Cuentan la Ciencia and, of course, Naukas.

Naukas Passion
I believe you and I don't see you
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Clara Grima (Coria del Río, Spain. 1971) holds a PhD in Mathematics and is a tenured lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the University of Seville. Since 2010 she has been combining her teaching and research with intensive scientific dissemination work in various print and audiovisual media, always using mathematics as a pretext. Her dissemination books have been translated into French, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Korean, Chinese and other languages. She presents the programme "Una matemática viene a verte" broadcast by the RTVE. She gives hundreds of talks a year and is convinced that everyone likes maths even though some are not yet aware of it.

Naukas Passion
The first miracle of Jesus
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
He has a PhD in Biology, is Professor of Microbiology and Director of the Science Museum of the University of Navarre. His research has focused on the study of bacterial virulence and the development of new vaccines. He is the author of the “microBIO” blog. He has published several dissemination books: “¿Funcionan las vacunas?” (Premio Prismas 2018), “Microbiota, los microbios de tu organismo”, “Virus y pandemias”, and “Preparados para la próxima pandemia”. In collaboration with his daughter, he has also written “Princesas de cristal” dealing with the problem of juvenile anorexia. In 2021 he received the Lilly Foundation Prize for the Dissemination of Science, the COSCE Prize for the Dissemination of Science, and the CSIC-BBVA Foundation Prize for Scientific Communication. In 2023 he received the Spanish Award for Science Communication.

Naukas Passion
The threads of the rainbow
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Almudena Martín Castro is a graduate in Fine Arts and in Physics. She combines her digital design work with intense communication activities. She received the Tesla Science and Technology Award in 2017 and the award for Best Use of Science in the NASA Space Apps Challenge in 2018. In 2020, together with Iñaki Úcar, she solved the mystery of Beethoven's metronome, which had a great national and international impact. She has just published her first book, with HarperCollins. In La lira desafinada de Pitágoras (Pythagoras’ Out-of-Tune Lyre) she tells of how music inspired science to understand the world.

Naukas Passion
To the future with no way back?
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Isabel Moreno-Muñoz. She is a Physics graduate, has a Master’s in Meteorology and Geophysics (UCM-Complutense University of Madrid) and is a specialist in communicating climate change. She is the author of the book “Cambio Climático para Principiantes”, published by Penguin Random House. Since 2016, she has been working in different media as a meteorologist and weather presenter, in particular the RTVE programme "Aquí la Tierra". What is more, she has been combining this work with training and dissemination relating to climate change; she is a speaker on UNED (Open University) courses, giving lectures at major conferences and seminars, as well as collaborating with various television programmes, radio, written press and other network formats.

Naukas Passion
Pre-historic "Sálvame": family entanglements 6000 years ago
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Iñigo Olalde (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, 1987) has a degree in Biology from the University of Navarre and a PhD in Palaeogenomics (2016) from the Pompeu Fabra University. He was a postdoctoral researcher in Dr David Reich's group at Harvard University, and a “La Caixa” Junior Leader at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF). In 2021 he joined the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) as a Ramón y Cajal researcher and an Ikerbasque Research Fellow. His lines of research focus on the recovery and analysis of DNA from ancient human remains in order to study the demographic changes that took place on the European continent during the Holocene, as well as the evolution of the social organisation of human societies in the past.

Naukas Passion
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Naukas Passion
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Javier Peláez (Puertollano, Spain, 1974) is a writer and science communicator. Author of “500 años de frío. La gran aventura del Ártico” (Crítica, 2019) and “Planeta Océano” (Crítica, 2022). He is one of the founders of the platform and a scriptwriter for the RTVE programme “El Cazador de Cerebros”. He won the National Ondas Radio Award for the “Catástrofe Ultravioleta” podcast.

Naukas Passion
JB55: 19th Century Vampires
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Guillermo Peris-Ripollés has a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón, where he currently works as a tenured lecturer in the university’s Department of Computer Languages and Systems. His research focuses on the bioinformatics analysis of non-coding RNA, in particular repetitive elements and microRNAs, both in tumour cells and in 22q11 deletion syndrome. He collaborates with the LINE-1 Retro-element Biology group at the GENYO centre for genomics and oncology research in Granada. Since 2015 he has been devoting part of his time to writing informative articles for the portal, giving talks in “Desgranando Ciencia” and at various Naukas events.

Naukas Passion
Women - what people thought about us: Archaeology and Discourses of Inequality
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Margarita Sánchez Romero (Madrid, 1971) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, a communicator, and Vice-Rector for Outreach, Heritage and Institutional Relations at the University of Granada. Her main interest as a researcher is to assert the importance of the role of women and childhood in prehistoric societies. With other colleagues, she created the project ‘Pastwomen’, which gives visibility to the research in archaeology and history linked to the material culture of women. She is regular collaborator on the programme ‘El condensador de fluzo’, broadcast on the La 2 channel of the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE). She received the ‘Carmen de Burgos’ Feminist Dissemination Award from the University of Málaga and was also awarded the ‘Granada: City of Science and Innovation’ Award, in the Women in Science category. She is author of Prehistorias de mujeres (Prehistories of Women), published by Destino.

Naukas Passion
Guidelines for sleeping well on any planet
Thursday, 05 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Joaquín Sevilla, PhD in physics, is professor of electronic technology at the Public University of Navarre (UPNA). His current research focuses on the design of photonic structures for sensor and solar energy applications. He has also worked on technology geared towards people with disabilities. He directs the UPNA chair for the dissemination of scientific knowledge and culture, as well as the UPNA-UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country Master's Degree in Scientific Culture. Prior to that, he was Vice-Chancellor and Director of the G9 Shared Virtual Campus among other positions. Very active in science dissemination, he is a regular contributor to local radio and television stations, writes blogs and participates in YouTube videos. He has recently published “Los males de la ciencia” together with Juan Ignacio Pérez.

Naukas Passion
The day Maxwell missed the gorilla
Friday, 06 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Engineer, musician and scientist in equal measure. Visiting Professor of the Statistics Department and researcher at the Big Data Institute of Carlos III University of Madrid, where he studies various topics such as the interpretability of machine learning algorithms and the application of data science to social network problems, collective behaviour, inequality and disinformation.
Bertso Passion

Amets Arzallus
Versifier, Basque Country
Bertso Passion
Wednesday, 04 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
He was born in Hendaye. Inspired by the atmosphere at home, he became involved in Basque verse-making from an early age. He was graduated in Journalism at the University of the Basque Country. He has contributed mostly to the magazine Argia and also to the newspaper Berria and the Euskadi Irratia public radio station. He has been engaged in all kinds of activities: talks, critical thought and reflection in public, writing and making statements for public events, etc. Furthermore, he has taught at the Verse-making School of Hendaye; he has won numerous verse-writing competitions; he has written the lyrics for various songs; he has combined extempore verse-making with other expressions of culture (dance, Basque diatonic accordion playing, poetry, music, etc.). He has won the Basque Verse-making Championship of Navarre four times. On another four occasions he was the runner-up in the Xilaba Verse-making Championship, and in the National Verse-making Championship in 2009 and 2022, and winner in 2013. In 2019, in collaboration with Ibrahima Balde of Conakry Guinea, he published the book “Miñan”.

Andoni Egaña
Versifier, Basque Country
Bertso Passion
Wednesday, 04 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Zarautz (1961). He has a degree in Basque Philology. Nowadays, his is fully dedicated to creation works: not only he is well-known for being a Basque improvised verse singer (a bertsolari as they are known in the Basque language), but also for his writings and his television scripts. He has experimented with various different literary genres and has collaborated and collaborates often with the Basque press, writing opinion articles. He has been one of the most respected and recognised names in the world of Basque improvised sung poetry. He stands out as well for his work as a researcher, scholar and theoretician, and has made seminal contributions to the analysis and dissemination of the creative process involved in Basque improvised poetry. He has participated in numerous experiences seeking to bring together the world of improvised verse singing and other forms of expression such as dance, accordion (or trikiti) playing, poetry and music, etc. He won the Bertsolari Championship of the Basque Country four times, in 1993, 1997, 2001 and 2005.

Nerea Ibarzabal
Versifier, Basque Country
Bertso Passion
Wednesday, 04 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Nerea Ibarzabal Salegi (Markina-Xemein, 1994). She studied Journalism and is a bertsolari (improvised singer of Basque songs) and writer. She has also worked as a screenwriter and media contributor. She has been involved in creation since a young age. She started going to bertso-eskola (bertsolari school) at the age of 11, and advanced through competitions and championships for young bertsolaris. She is currently the Bizkaia champion, and in 2022 was finalist in the Bertsolaris Absolute Championships. In 2022 she published Bar Gloria, her first novel.

Maialen Lujanbio
Versifier, Basque Country
Bertso Passion
Wednesday, 04 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
A Basque extempore verse-maker, born in Hernani in 1976. She has a degree in fine arts. She has had a career spanning over 30 years performing in public. On three occasions she has been the Basque Country’s Verse-making champion, most recently in 2022. She is the current champion. In addition to her usual verse-making, she has been involved in other lines of research and artistic proposals. She has done performances based on sound, voice and the word. She has a relationship with the world of art and has frequently collaborated with sound and plastic artists. She has done highly productive work on the radio as a talk show guest. She has also contributed to the print press and other print activities.

Bertso Passion
Wednesday, 04 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Maite Berriozabal-Berrizbeitia (Berriz, Basque Country, 1987) graduated in Advertising and Public Relations. She currently works for the Azkue Foundation coordinating initiatives designed to support the Basque language. She has worked as the theme prompter for the participants in Basque verse-making. Today, she is involved in all kinds of sessions as the theme prompter, and has also given various courses and talks linked to theme prompting.
Streamers Sessions

Streamers sessions
A triangle. A lot of science
Saturday, 07 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
José Luis Crespo Cepeda is a physicist and founder and creative director of the YouTube scientific dissemination channel ‘Quantum Fracture’. With around three million followers, he is currently one of the most influential Spanish-speaking science communicators. His animated videos are part of the ‘Órbita Laika’ programme, he was one of the outreach staff at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Madrid and organiser of Cultube, an annual event that brings together different YouTubers to give visibility to different forms of outreach on YouTube. Today, Quantum Fracture is an audiovisual production company specialising in scientific content and which promotes scientific culture on social networks.

Streamers sessions
From cancer research to space exploration. Interview with Sara García
Tuesday, 03 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Sara García-Alonso (León, Spain, 1989) is a researcher specializing in cancer, and the first Spanish woman to be selected for the European Astronaut Corps (class of 2022, reserve pool). With a degree in Biotechnology and a PhD with Distinction in cancer molecular biology and translational medicine, she has received several awards for academic excellence. She works at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) as a staff scientist, leading an experimental oncology project focusing on drug discovery at Mariano Barbacid's laboratory. Sara is also active as an ambassador for space exploration and STEM careers, promoting the dissemination and vocation of science and technology, which has earned her awards and distinctions.

Streamers sessions
From cancer research to space exploration. Interview with Sara García
Tuesday, 03 OCT-Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia / San Sebastian
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón (Logroño, Spain, 1972) has a PhD in Mathematics and is a tenured lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of La Rioja. His research focuses mainly on the area of computer algebra, to which he has contributed a wealth of scientific papers and in which he works actively with national and international teams. He is also involved in intensive science dissemination work through various media, such as YouTube (his channel “Derivando” has approximately 1.5 million subscribers), television (where he presents the programme Órbita Laika on the RTVE La2 channel), podcasts, books, conferences, courses and collaborations with the press and radio. He has received various awards for his dissemination work in Spain and Latin America.